Work-Based learning


Requirements: Grade 12 Only, Application Required, Full Year Program

Work Based Learning is offered to senior students who completed a SWWC class the previous school year. They have an opportunity to get a paid job to learn skills related to their prior coursework. They will be released from school and receive high school credit for working a job in their chosen career field. The benefits include earning high school credit while working at a job in the community, learning valuable work skills related to a career of interest, learning responsibility, time management skills and valuable communication skills, earning money, and getting a start in a career while in high school. To be considered for this program, the student must have completed 11th grade, have good school attendance, a minimum GPA, and must obtain teacher and counselor recommendations. Students will be required to keep regular paperwork and timesheets and must sign in every day for attendance purposes.

Contact Us:

If you have questions please e-mail: Leslie Rollins