AGRISCIENCE - Botany and zoology
BOTANY - Plant Systems and Landscape Science (AM only 2025-26)
Requirements: Grades 11-12 only, Application Required, Full Year Program
This class is an introduction to landscape design, construction, supplies, equipment, management and safety. Students care for plants in the hydroponic lab, school greenhouse and work outdoors in the areas of school landscape, sports fields, forest and wetlands. This course will provide students with a foundation of botanical studies in agricultural crops, horticultural plants, commercial landscape equipment operation and forestry. Topics include classification, selection, anatomy, physiology, genetics, breeding, nutrition, health, judging of plants and plant products, fundamentals of soil science, hydroponics, plant pests, meeting human needs with plants and their importance to the Michigan economy.
When both the Botany and Zoology classes are completed through the SWWC and the student earns the State FFA Degree, the student is awarded 6 free college credits at Michigan State University, if they enroll there (in any 2 Certificate or 4 year BS program of their choice) after graduation from high school. Membership and participation in activities of the National FFA Student Organization, leadership, communication, teamwork skills, and other personal development skills are part of all agriculture, food & natural resources (AFNR) classes. Students apply hands-on skills outside of the classroom to work-based and research type supervised career experience projects as part of their evaluation and grade. Students have the opportunity to compete, travel, and win cash awards, recognition and scholarships in the FFA.
ZOOLOGY - Animal Systems & Pre-Veterinary Science (PM only 2025-26)
Requirements: Grades 11-12 only, Application Required, Full Year Program
This advanced year-long course is for students considering an animal industry career as a veterinarian, vet technician, horse trainer, animal groomer, pet store manager, game warden, rancher, farm manager or other careers working with and caring for farm or companion animals in the future. This course will provide students with a foundation in pre-veterinary zoology studies in the animal species of livestock (food animals) and companion animals (horses, dogs, cats). Topics include classification, selection, anatomy, physiology, genetics, breeding, behavior, nutrition, health, judging and showing of animals and animal products, grooming, habitat management, wildlife conservation and the importance of hunting, trapping and fishing to the Michigan economy. Students raise broiler chickens in the lab and do outdoor studies of the habitat of animal species in the forest, field and wetland areas of the school campus.
When both the Zoology and Botany classes are completed through the SWWC and the student earns the State FFA Degree, the student is awarded 6 free college credits at Michigan State University if they enroll there (in any 2 Certificate or 4 year BS program of their choice) after graduation from high school. Membership and participation in activities of the National FFA Student Organization, leadership, communication, teamwork skills, and other personal development skills, are part of all agriculture, food & natural resources (AFNR) classes. Students apply hands-on skills outside of the classroom to work-based and research type supervised career experience projects as part of their evaluation and grade. Students have the opportunity to compete, travel, and win cash awards, recognition and scholarships in the FFA.
If you have questions please e-mail: Megan LoPresto