Follow Finn on Twitter at @Finn_Support
The purpose of Finn the support dog at Saline High School is to work with our general student population and more specifically with students who are anxious, depressed, and in need. Saline High School worked with the Rotary Club of Dexter to gather information, as they were instrumental in the purchase of both of the support dogs Dexter Schools have had. Saline High School purchased Finn in June of 2018 and he works with Pittsfield Township's K-9 officer for training. Finn's days are spent with our social worker, in the counseling office, and on leash walking the building to meet students. Most of our students are eager to pet him, but even those who just see him and walk by are smiling. He is a very welcome addition to Saline High School.
Dexter The Dog is on the Job at Mill Creek Middle School this Year
Thank you to the following local businesses who have donated their services for the care of Finn:
Official Office Vet of Finn the Support Dog:
Saline Veterinary Service and Dr. James Romine