Crosswalk Information
For students who walk to school, the designated crosswalks to be used by school children (during school hours) will be:
Ann Arbor/Woodland traffic light
Wildwood/Woodland crosswalk
New Woodland/West of Sycamore Run crosswalk.
These crosswalks will have School Crossing Guards to assist students crossing the intersection. The “old” central crosswalk near the entrance to Heritage/Woodland Meadows Schools, is not to be used by school children during school hours. The exception would be if the child were escorted by an adult (i.e.: parent/legal guardian).
Student Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures/Reminders
Helpful information on the Pick up/Drop Off use
Morning Drop Off and Pickup Procedure
The Loops
There are two drop-off loops at our school campus. To improve efficiency, you may use whichever loop is easiest for your family. It does not matter which loop you use, students at either school can walk the safe sidewalk to their school entrance. There are no busy streets to cross, and no crosswalk necessary.
The entrance to the first loop is at the Weber-Blaess schoolhouse on Weber-Blaess drive at Woodland Dr. When you enter there, follow the road as it leads behind the schools and it will loop back out onto Weber-Blaess drive exactly as you entered. There is no thru-traffic. If you enter Weber-Blaess you will exit Weber-Blaess Dr.
The entrance to the second loop is off of Ann-Arbor Saline Road at Liberty School. When you enter there, follow the road as it leads behind the schools and it will loop back out onto Ann-Arbor Saline road exactly as you entered. There is no thru-traffic. If you enter Ann Arbor-Saline Rd., you will exit Ann Arbor- Saline Rd.
To Use The Loops:
Pull all the way forward to the car in front of you. There will be a hornet sign indicating “pull up to here” for the first car in queue. All cars should pull up as far as possible and allow their child to exit.
Your child should exit the vehicle within 7-seconds to keep the loop moving efficiently.
The 7-second drop-off zone is around the entire circle. Your child should exit the vehicle the first time the car stops in the zone. (Even if that means they will walk a few extra steps to the door). Students must not stay in the car until you are close to the door. This holds up the line.
For your child’s safety, exit curb-side ONLY.
The Parking Lots
The main parking lot for the WM/HE campus is located off of Woodland Drive. You may park in this lot at any time. This is not drop off area for students. At the entry of the parking lot there are service drives for the buses. When the buses are exiting the campus, a staff member will stop parking lot traffic until the buses have cleared. Buses will have the right-of-way when exiting the campus.
There are two small parking lots near the loops. You may park in these lots during the school day, however, they will be closed at arrival and dismissal time to keep the drop-off loop moving efficiently. (Lots closed 8:30-9:00 am and 3:30-4:00 pm). Additional parking is located at Liberty school and at the south end of Woodland Meadows School.
We thank you in advance for assisting us in maintaining a safe and efficient process. Please feel free to contact your child’s principal if you have questions.
Morning Drop-Off Loop Guidelines
As you enter the drop-off loop, please stay in the outer lane so that your child, seated on the passenger side in your car, is closest to the sidewalk.
Note the signs where the drop-off begins and ends within the loop and have your child exit the car between the signs.
Parents/Guardians should not get out of the vehicle. It should take 7 seconds for your child to unhook the seat belt, open the door and step onto the sidewalk. If it is going to take longer than 7 seconds, please use the parking lot option and walk your child from the parking lot across to the school building using the crosswalk provided. We want to be considerate of others in the drop-off loop.
Children should only exit on the sidewalk side of the vehicle and cars should only be in the outer lane closest to the sidewalk.
When you are stopped your child is expected to exit the vehicle.
Do not drop your child off in the parking lot. You should park and walk your child in.
Afternoon Pick-up Procedures
Parents / Guardians may wait in their cars along the parking lot. If you choose to wait in the loop, you need to stay in your car and instruct your child to look for you in the loop. As soon as your child gets into your car, please exit the loop to make room for others who are waiting. The driver must stay in the vehicle ready to move forward as traffic allows.
If you park in the south lot, you will need to walk along sidewalk to the main entrance. Students who are being picked up will exit from these doors. Students are not permitted to walk into the parking lot unattended.