Craft Show Application


Application Due Dates:

November Show:  Nov 8, 2025
Applications must be received by 2.1.25

Spring Show:  March 7, 2026
Applications must be received by 1.15.26

After these due dates, applications submitted will be considered Wait List.

Please be aware that RevTrak is the only official site for submitting applications. We will never ask for your credit card information through any other platform or application. If you are contacted by any other site requesting such details, it is a scam. Stay vigilant!

Important Crafter Information:

Saline Craft Show dates for any given year:

Spring - Saturday in March dependent on Saline Area Schools Easter/Spring Break  (Started in 2003)        
 Due date for apps 1.15

November - 2nd Saturday in November (Started in 1987)     
Due date for apps 2.1

Dates Subject to Change due to SAS District Calendar


Jurying for a Saline Craft Show is done after the application due date for every show.  Every crafter (including those who have participated in previous years) is required to reapply and be re-juried.  Each crafter is encouraged to improve their product line regularly and submit updated images.  Each show's applications are then juried, and selections are made to provide a quality diversified show that lures a customer base.  The jurying committee emphasizes that the images are the sole basis of decision-making.  In addition, each crafter who has previously participated in a show is observed at that show and their product line is evaluated in person.  Previous participation or other factors cannot be used as a basis to conclude that a crafter is automatically in a show.  Saline Craft Shows always receive more than sufficient applications to fill a show.

The Saline Craft Show jurying process is complete and detailed and includes a review of the images submitted and evaluation made in previous participation, if any, in a show.  Anonymously the jury committee is present during the entire show and makes their evaluation of the crafter’s professionalism, booth set-up, and product line.  By categories then, each set of show applications is reviewed and selection is made based on variety, diversity, quality, and uniqueness as well as booth setup and presentation.  Professionalism in the booth, customer service, and crafter repertoire are also considered if there was previous participation.  Jurying takes approximately 40 hours of review for each show by over twenty volunteers who serve as a team.  The jurying committee varies from show to show but includes experts in the art/craft world, community and school personnel, and customers who have regularly visited the shows.  Acceptance and rejection letters are then sent to all applicants.  However, a waitlist is also maintained for each show, and applications are accepted for consideration if a cancellation occurs.