Health Screenings
Hearing and Vision Screening is provided in Saline Area Schools by the Washtenaw County Public Health Department.
Vision Screenings: Each child is tested for: visual acuity, farsightedness, ability to use two eyes together and symptoms of eye problems.
- Preschool
- Vision Screening for Kindergarten
- Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
- Students new to Michigan
- Special education students
Hearing Screenings: Hearing screenings are done with the use of an audiometer and other equipment based on the child's needs.
- Preschool
- Hearing Screening for Kindergarten
- Grades 1, 2, 4
- Students new to Michigan
- Special education students
Y5s & K Enrollment - Dental Screenings
Public Act 316 of 2023 sets forth the requirement that all children in Michigan enrolling into their first year of school receive an oral health assessment (“dental screening”) prior to starting school. This requirement began with the 2024-2025 school year.
Please note the following regarding the kindergarten dental assessments:
- Parents/guardians are responsible for getting their child’s dental assessment completed prior to the first day of kindergarten.
- Dental assessments should take place prior to entry into kindergarten but no earlier than 6 months prior to the start of school.
- Oral Health Assessment Form - to be completed by the provider
- Please scan or take a picture of the completed form and email it to
Additional information:
Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Memo to Schools
Oral Health Assessment Form to be completed by the provider
Resources for Dental Health: Michigan Healthy Kids Dental ProgramOral Health Directory