Students and staff in the gym with boxes of cereal - Cereal Drive Domino Event

Social Emotional Learning


We recognize the importance of the socio-emotional well-being of our students. When you drop your child off and they walk through the doors of Saline High School, we do everything we can to support them as they work toward their goal of graduation. We recognize the important responsibility we share with parents and the community in supporting our high school students.

We partner with students, parents, guardians, and community resources to identify and refer students to appropriate care professionals if needed.  We also provide ongoing support to students that struggle with social-emotional issues. Avenues of support may be individual sessions or group sessions, as well as family sessions outside of school.

We thank you for your partnership and recognition of this important shared responsibility.

District Social Emotional Learning Support Staff

Saline High School

Alternative HIgh School and Liberty

Middle School



Woodland Meadows

Pleasant Ridge