General Assessment Documents
Saline Area Schools Assessment Results (MEAP, MME, ACT, NWEA, AP for the last 5 years)
Individualized reading improvement plan (irip)
Comprehensive Literacy Assessments
Saline Area Schools uses a DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) screener for all of our students in grades K-3. The purpose of this is to determine if a student demonstrates any at-risk characteristics in reading. This data is used in conjunction with Fountas & Pinnell local reading scores that are determined at various benchmark periods throughout the year to help pinpoint reading skills that need to be addressed for individual students. This comprehensive literacy approach helps our teaching staff address needs early in a child's education career.
Saline Area Schools has worked diligently over the last few years to compile and analyze state and national testing data so teachers and administrators can make critical instructional decisions. District performance benchmarks reflect student achievement of content standards.
These data trends are the metrics used to judge the efficacy of specific instructional initiatives adopted in our schools. Saline Area Schools has always been one of the top-performing school districts in Washtenaw County and across the state of Michigan. The District’s 2016 and 2017 SAT composite scores have placed the school district in the top 25 of highest-performing high schools in the state. This constant examination of our student performance data allows Saline Area Schools to continue to improve and helps to ensure our district remains one of the top districts in the state. As the state of Michigan has now transitioned to administering the SAT (instead of the ACT), we will continue to monitor progress moving forward.
M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress) - A test given by the state of Michigan, beginning in the 2014/15 school year, annually to 3rd - 11th grade students to measure proficiency across the state.
MME (Michigan Merit Exam) - A test given by the state of Michigan annually to 11th grade students to measure proficiency across the state.
PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) - A nationally normed test given to 9th and 10th grade high school students as they prepare to take the SAT in 11th grade.
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) - A nationally normed test given to 11th grade high school students as they prepare to apply for colleges and universities.
NWEA (NorthWest Evaluation Assessment) - A nationally normed series of tests given at over 3400 school districts across the country to measure progress in 2nd-9th grade. NWEA has the unique ability to measure a student’s achievement and academic growth, independent of grade, across time. Norms are determined by NWEA by assessing millions of students across the USA. Click below to learn more about Normative Data:
AP (Advanced Placement) Exams - These exams are administered to several hundred Saline High School students each spring to measure their progress in the multitude of Advanced Placement Courses that SAS provides.