Teaching and Learning Department
The Saline Area Schools sets extremely high standards and expectations for all students. The District has adopted a District Strategic Framework that helps guide the development of our students into the 21st century and beyond.
Further, SAS has developed the Saline Area Schools Compass / Learner Profile. This serves to outline the important skills we expect our students to demonstrate by the time they graduate from Saline High School or Saline Alternative High School.
Curriculum Standards
Saline Area Schools has established the highest standards for all of our students. Teachers are expected to implement curriculum standards that have been adopted and established by the Michigan Department of Education.
- Common Core State Standards (officially adopted by SAS as of the 2014/15 school year)
- Michigan K-12 Science Standards (officially adopted by Michigan and SAS as of December 2015)
- Social Studies Grade K-12 Standards
Curriculum Snapshots
(General overview of the content covered in grade levels/departments in a "parent-friendly" manner )
- Young 5's
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- 6th Grade
- 7th Grade(Electives)
- 8th Grade (Electives)
- Saline High School Coursebook (Description of Courses)
- Saline Alternative High School Program Snapshot
Mathematics Sequencing
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) -
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) -
- MTSS District Website (Student / Parent / Teacher Resources)
Sex Education Curriculum Overview
- SAS Sex Education Curriculum, Policies, Documents
- SAS Sex Education Curriculum Overview
- Sex Education Curriculum for the 25-26 school year and beyond has been approved by the Board of Education and will be updated here after the conclusion of the 24-25 school year.
SAS Procedures for Opting-Out of Instructional Materials
General Assessment Documents
Saline Area Schools Assessment Results (MEAP, MME, ACT, NWEA, AP for the last 5 years)
Comprehensive Literacy Assessments
Saline Area Schools uses a DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) screener for all of our students in grades K-3. The purpose of this is to determine if a student demonstrates any at-risk characteristics in reading. This data is used in conjunction with Fountas & Pinnell local reading scores that are determined at various benchmark periods throughout the year to help pinpoint reading skills that need to be addressed for individual students. This comprehensive literacy approach helps our teaching staff address needs early in a child's education career.
Professional Development
Saline Area Schools has developed a comprehensive professional development plan to help our teaching and administrative staff continue to improve their skills.
SAS Professional Development Plan
Teacher / Administrator Evaluation
Per MCL 380.1249, Saline Area Schools complies with the posting of specific information about the evaluation tool used for its performance evaluation system. SAS uses the Framework for Teaching by Charlotte Danielson to evaluate our teaching staff. Learn more about the Framework for Teaching. Further, SAS uses the Reeves Performance Matrix Administrator Evaluation Tool for our administrative staff.