Special Education Operating Millage Renewal Quick Facts
What is being proposed?
A 2.3826 mil renewal to cover unreimbursed costs to provide special education services in Washtenaw County. The millage would expire after 12 years.
Who is impacted?
More than 6,000 students, or 1-in-7 students, from preschool through age 26 receive special education services in Washtenaw County. Nearly 900 additional children ages birth to 3 also receive special education services before entering preschool. At Saline Schools, 870 students receive special education services, or 1-in-6 students.
Why is this on the ballot?
Special education services required by law are not fully funded. State and federal funding provides 37% of the funds needed for mandatory special education services. Washtenaw County’s Special Education millage generates 61% of the funding that pays for special education services in local school districts and academies.
If the special education operating millage is not renewed, special education services in Washtenaw County would be underfunded by $57 million and school districts would need to use general operating funds to cover this shortfall.
Would all nine school districts and 13 public school academies in Washtenaw County benefit if this renewal is approved? Yes! The millage renewal would continue to benefit all public school students because revenue from the millage would continue to cover most of the costs of mandatory special education services.
The millage renewal would preserve each school district’s general fund budget, which can be used for the educational needs of all students. Local districts would decide how best to use these funds.
Millage dollars stay local. Revenue from this renewal would be used to pay for services mandated for special education in: Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Dexter, Lincoln, Manchester, Milan, Saline, Whitmore Lake, Ypsilanti, and Washtenaw County’s 13 public school academies.
What would the renewal cost?
The Special Education Operating Millage renewal would maintain an existing 2.3826 mil tax. If the renewal is approved, there would be no increase to tax rates.
When is the election?
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Who can vote on this proposal?
Registered voters who reside in the school districts of Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Dexter, Lincoln, Manchester, Milan, Saline, Whitmore Lake, and Ypsilanti.
Where can I learn more?
You can visit the Washtenaw Intermediate School District’s website.