graduates throwing caps into the air


search information

The Saline Area Schools Board of Education is beginning the process of hiring a new superintendent. The board is soliciting community and staff input on the qualities, experiences, and skills needed in the new superintendent. Residents of the district, all staff and administration are encouraged to participate in the process.

The board is being assisted in its search by the Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB), a service organization that supports the work of school boards throughout Michigan. Jay Bennett is facilitating the search on behalf of MASB.

Superintendent Position Posting


All meetings will be held at Liberty School, 7265 N. Ann Arbor St., Saline, MI 48176 unless otherwise noted. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025   

9:30 a.m. Admin Team (Saline High School Media Center, Room 222)

10:15 a.m. High School Students (Saline High School Media Center, Room 222)

1:00 p.m. Parents and Community Members

3:00 p.m. Students and Alumni

4:10 p.m. Elementary ESP Staff

Wednesday, March 5, 2025             

9:00 a.m. ESP Union Leaders

10:00 a.m. ESP & Unaffiliated Staff

11:00 a.m. SASAA Union Leaders 

3:05 p.m.- Secondary ESP Staff

4:00 p.m. Parents and Community Members

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

1:00 p.m.- SEA Union Leaders 

3:05 p.m. Secondary Teachers (SEA)- Board Room

4:10 p.m. Elementary Staff (SEA)- Board Room

5:30 p.m. Parents and Community Members


Input may also be shared via an online survey at the link below: 

Superintendent Search Survey

The survey is being administered by the MASB Executive Search team on behalf of the District and takes about ten minutes to complete. Anonymous individual responses will be combined with those from the face to face meetings with stakeholders to provide important community input to the Saline Board of Education as it seeks to identify the best candidate for the position.  

The survey has been extended and will be open through March 9, 2025.