What is GoGuardian?
GoGuardian Teacher helps educators maximize the benefits of using technology in the classroom while keeping kids safe online. GoGuardian operates on our school's managed and owned Chromebooks and on Chrome browsers when logged into the student's school-managed Google Workspace for Education accounts.
What are my child's responsibilities?
Students are to use their school-issued Chromebook or BYOD device, while signed in with their Saline Schools account, for educational purposes only. Specific responsibilities are located in our school's Acceptable Use Policy, which students have signed and are expected to abide by.
What are the parental/guardian responsibilities?
When your child is not at school, you are responsible for supervising your child's internet access and usage. We encourage parents/guardians to discuss rules for appropriate internet usage with your student and reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and online safety with your student.
Can teachers monitor students outside the school day?
No. Teachers can schedule GoGuardian sessions during their scheduled class time Monday-Friday between the hours of 7 am - 4 pm.
Is the District allowed to filter and monitor students?
We have many layers of protection in place to support a safe learning environment for our students. One layer is content filtering and monitoring which is required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). We are able to enforce this through the use of Cisco Umbrella.